
P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Staff list / grid
Koribut Andrey Valerievich
Shipilo Daniil Evgenevich , PhD (Physics and Mathematics)
Yalovoy Valery Il'ich
Grudtsyn Yakov Viktorovich , PhD (Physics and Mathematics)
Panov Nikolay Andreevich , PhD
Kosareva Olga Grigorevna , Professor, Doctor of Science
Selenev Leonid Vladimirovich The Acting Head of the Laboratory, Associate professor, Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics)
Pushkarev Dmitrii Vladimirovich
Ionin Maksim Vladimirovich
Nikolaeva Irina Alekseevna
Levus Maksimilian Valerevich Laboratory Assistant
Vrublevskaya Nadezhda Ronaldovna