Научная деятельность
Корешева Елена Ростиславовна доктор физ.-мат. наук
Дополнительная информация
Е.Р.Корешева работает в ФИАН с 1974 г, после окончания Физического факультета МГУ им.М.В.Ломоносова (кафедра физики низких температур), в настоящее время в должности высококвалифицированного главного научного сотрудника, и.о. заведующего Лаборатории Нейтронной Физики Нейтронно-Физического Отдела ОФТТ ФИАН. В 2005 г. в ФИАН защитила диссертацию на тему "КРИОГЕННЫЕ МИШЕНИ ДЛЯ ИНЕРЦИАЛЬНОГО ТЕРМОЯДЕРНОГО СИНТЕЗА" по специальностям 01.04.01 (физика конденсированного состояния) и 01.04.21 (лазерная физика) с присуждением ученой степени доктора физико-математических наук. Работы, проводимые Е.Р.Корешевой в настоящее время, связаны с исследованиями процессов конденсации и отвердевания изотопов водорода и их структурными особенностями, а также условиями формирования, характеризации и доставки сферических и цилиндрических термоядерных мишеней с конденсированным (криогенным) топливом в системы с лазерным и/или тяжело-ионным драйвером. Наиболее важными результатами, полученными Е.Р. Корешевой (в соавторстве) за время работы в ФИАН, являются: 1. Экспериментальные и теоретические исследования в области создания термоядерных мишеней нового класса, предназначенных для фундаментальных исследований в области уравнения состояния вещества и инерциального термоядерного синтеза. В таких мишенях топливо (изотопы водорода) находится в термодинамически неравновесном высокодисперсном или нано-композитном состоянии, обладающем комплексом новых свойств, таких как изотропность, термостойкость, высокая прочность и пр. 2. Разработка методов доставки криогенных мишеней без разрушения, основанных на (а) применении топливного слоя, находящегося в высоко-дисперсном (нано-кристаллическом или аморфном) состоянии, отличающемся повышенной устойчивостью к внешним воздействиям (тепловые и механические нагрузки), и (б) применении специальных защитных средств, таких как отражающие и абляционные внешние слои, защитная капсула и защитная крышка. 3. Разработка базовых системных требований для построения специализированной криогенной системы (СКС), предназначенной для формирования, доставки и позиционирования криогенных цилиндрических мишеней в экспериментальной камере для исследований особого состояния материи с высокой плотностью и температурой(эксперименты "ЛАПЛАС"). Основные результаты научной деятельности Е.Р.Корешевой за время работы в ФИАН представлены более чем в 100 научных трудах и 80-ти докладах на Российских и международных конференциях. Е.Р. Корешева является руководителем 12-ти международных и Российских научно-технических проектов, в том числе: 1. Проект по контракту с Лабораторией Резерфорда и Апплтона (Абингдон, Англия) "Разработка гравитационного инжектора криогенных мишеней для лазерной установки ВУЛКАН" (1989-1991 гг.) 2. Проект Международного Научно-Технического Центра (МНТЦ) N 512 "Разработка устройства для формирования криомишеней с толстым слоем топлива" (1996-2000 гг.) 3. Проект по контракту с МАГАТЭ N 11536 "Адаптация метода FST для производства криогенных мишеней реакторного масштаба" (2000-2004 гг.) 4. Проект МНТЦ N 1557 "Создание прототипа томографа с квази-однородной схемой сканирования для применения в системах лазерного термоядерного синтеза" (2000-2004 гг.) 5. Проект РФФИ N 06-08-01575 "Исследование условий формирования термостойкого высокодисперсного криогенного слоя внутри полой микросферы" (2005-2007 гг.) 6. Проект в рамках контракта ФИАН и РФЯЦ-ВНИИЭФ "Первая очередь узла ввода криогенных мишеней в камеру взаимодействия установки ИСКРА-6 с системой аттестации криомишеней после формирования слоя" (2005-2006 гг.) 7. Проект по контракту с МАГАТЭ N 13871 "Оптимизация способов формирования криогенных реакторных мишеней с целью сохранения качества криогенного слоя в процессе инжекции" (2006-2010 гг.) 8. Проект по контракту с коллаборацией HEDgeHOB (Дармштадт, Германия) "Проектирование и технико-экономическое обоснование на изготовление и доставку криогенных мишеней в установку HEDgeHOВ для проведения экспериментов ЛАПЛАС" (2007-2009 гг.) 9. Проект МНТЦ N 3927 "Разработка специализированного модуля высоко-частотного формирования криогенных мишеней" (2009-2011 гг.) 10. Проект РФФИ N 15-02-02497 "Теоретические и экспериментальные основы структурной релаксации термоядерного слоя топлива и сохранение оптимальных параметров слоя при доставке криогенных мишеней в фокус мощной лазерной установки или реактора" (2015-2017 гг.) 11. Проект МАГАТЭ N 20344 "Линия поточного FST-производства мишеней реакторного класса" (2015-2019 гг.) 12. Проект МАГАТЭ N 24514 "Моделирование деградации оптики под действием ионизирующего излучения и массовое производство низко-аспектных мишеней для установки ИТС, работающей в частотном режиме" (2020-2023 гг.; зам. руководителя проекта) Е.Р.Корешева является членом диссертационного совета Д 002.023.03. Международная деятельность: - Член Координационного Cовета институтов-участников Европейского проекта HEDgeHOB - Член Координационного Cовета международных проектов МАГАТЭ "Элементы дизайна реактора инерциального термоядерного синтеза", "Путь к энергии инерциального синтеза: объединенный подход" и "Путь к энергии инерциального синтеза: исследование материалов и разработка технологий" - Участник Европейского проекта HiPER - Член программного комитета по проведению 1-й международной конференции "Энергия ИТС" ( Conference on Inertial Fusion Energy’12), Йокогама, Япония, 26-27 апреля 2012 г. - Член консультативного комитета по проведению 7-го Технического Совещания МАГАТЭ по Физике и Технологии Камер и Мишеней для Реакторов ИТС (7th IAEA TM on Physics and Technology of Inertial Fusion Energy Chambers and Targets), Вена, Австрия, 18-20 марта 2015 г. - Член редакционной коллегии журнала Вопросы Атомной Науки и Техники, серия Термоядерный синтез
- И.В.Александрова, А.А.Акунец, П.И.Безотосный, И.С.Блохин, С.Ю.Гаврилкин, О.М.Иваненко, Е.Р.Корешева, Е.Л.Кошелев, К.В.Мицен, Л.В.Панина
О возможности создания системы бесконтактной доставки криогенного водородного топлива в реактор ИТС Краткие сообщения по физике, Москва, ФИАН, (2015)
Предложено использовать явление квантовой левитации ВТСП в магнитных полях различной конфигурации для создания системы бесконтактного позиционирования и транспорта криогенных топливных мишеней в фокус мощной лазерной установки или реактора ИТС. Представлены результаты большого цикла экспериментальных исследований с использованием сверхпроводящей керамики YBa2Cu3O7-Х и PMG-направляющих из различных комбинаций постоянных магнитов для построения устройства доставки типа “КТМ-МАГЛЕВ”.
- I.V.Aleksandrova, O.M.Ivanenko, M.G.Klenov, V.A.Kalabukhov, E.R.Koresheva, E.L.Koshelev, A.I.Kupriashin, K.V.Mitsen, I.Е.Osipov, L.V.Panina
HTSC maglev systems for IFE target transport applications Journal of Russian Laser Research, т. 35, N2, стр. 151-168, (2014)
A challenge in IFE research is realizing a target that must be delivered to the target chamber center at a high rep-rate. Therefore, the issue of target fabrication and delivery is focusing on methods that will scale to highly-repeatable and cost-effective target production. In this report, the possibility of using magnetic levitation transport systems for non-contact manipulation, positioning and delivery of the cryogenic targets is investigated. We focus on the development of the transport systems based on movement of high-temperature superconductors (HTSC) over a permanent magnet guideway (PMG). An active guidance was achieved by using the HTSC ceramics (YBa2Cu3O7-X) and PMG, where an ordered motion was initiated by a special arrangement of the permanent magnets. At present, significant R&D program is ongoing in order to fulfill the technical requirements and basic elements of the system operation as a maglev target accelerator. The major outputs of this work along with recent results are presented below.
- Irina V. Aleksandrova, Elena R. Koresheva, Eugeniy L. Koshelev, Igor E. Osipov
Pilot Target Supply System Based on the FST Technologies: Main Building blocks, Layout Algorithms and Results of the Testing Experiments Plasma and Fusion Research, vol. 8, N2, pp. 3404052, (2013)
In this report we focus on work that addresses the issues related to the development of a pilot target supply system based on the free-standing target (FST) technologies [1-5]. The work has been performed through coordination of a number of Russian Research Groups, namely: P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS (LPI) as the leading organization, Prokhorov General Physics Institute of RAS, A.A.Dorodnitsin Computing Center of RAS, Red Star State Unitary Enterprise, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, State Polytechnical University (SPU) of St.Petersburg, TUAP, Ltd and CryoTrade, Ltd.
In this report, we discuss the main building blocks and interface units of the FST supply system, layout algorithm and new results of the testing experiments. In this area, we firstly present basic requirements to the target supply system for HiPER project, based on the FST approach and describe possible ways of integration of our latest developments into engineering applications. There were manufactured and treated the mockups of all basic and interface units of the target supply system that showed the capability of the system operation. In particular we firstly present the comparative analyses of the experimental results on targets movement inside single spiral layering channel and double-spiral one, which shows the promissory of the double-spiral channel application for reactor-scale targets. We firstly present the results of mockups testing on free-standing target delivery to target collector as well as on operation of target-&-sabot assembly unit at 77 K. We also present results of experiments on ferromagnetic sabot acceleration by electromagnetic coil at cryogenic temperature (77K). Finally, we discuss the cost estimations of the FST supply system in the case of HIPER-scale targets.
- 28. Kalal M., Martinkova M., Slezak O., Kong H.J., Yoon J.W., Shin J.S., Koresheva E.R., Startsev S.A.
Сurrent status of the SBS PCM approach to self-navigation of lasers on injected IFE pellets Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 244, N3, pp. 032034, (2010)
Current status of SBS PCM based IFE approach proposed recently as an alternative to the IFE classical approach is presented. This technology is of particular importance to the direct drive scheme taking care of automatic self-navigation of every individual laser beam on the injected pellets with no need for any final optics adjustment. Conceptual design of one typical laser driver is shown and its features discussed. In comparison with the earlier design an upgraded scheme was developed with the low energy illumination laser beam (glint) entering the reactor chamber through the same entrance window as used by the corresponding high energy irradiation laser beam. Results of experimental verification of this improved design are reported. In these experiments for the fist time a complete setup including the pellet (realized by the static steel ball) was employed. The pellet survival conditions in the period between its low energy illumination and subsequent high energy irradiation were studied and the upper limits on the allowed energies absorbed were found for both DD and DT fuels.
A Study on fabrication, manipulation and survival of cryogenic targets required for the experiments at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research: FAIR. Laser and Particle Beams, vol. 27, N3, pp. 255-272, (2009)
Cylindrical cryogenic targets are required to carry out the LAPLAS (LAboratory PLAnetary Science) scheme of the experiments of the HEDgeHOB (High Energy Density matter Generated by Heavy Ion Beams) collaboration at FAIR. In this paper, for the first time a thorough analysis of the problem of such targets’ fabrication, delivery and positioning in the center of the experimental chamber has been made. Particular attention is paid to the issue of a specialized cryogenic system creation intended for rep-rate supply of the HEDgeHOB experiments with the cylindrical cryogenic targets.
- I.Aleksandrova, A.Belolipetskiy, E.Koresheva, A.Safronov, I.Timofeev, T.Timasheva, S.Tolokonnikov
Thermal and mechanical responses of cryogenic targets with a different fuel layer anisotropy during delivery process Journal of Russian Laser Research, vol. 29, N5, pp. 419-431, (2008)
This report addresses the results of mathematical modeling of thermal and mechanical responses of fuel material during direct-drive target delivery into the reaction chamber. Special attention is paid to the influence of fuel layer anisotropy on the layer degrading that is of critical importance for the delivery process optimization.
- I. V. Aleksandrova, E. R. Koresheva, I. E. Osipov, S. V. Bazdenkov, А. А. Belolipetskiy, V. I. Chtcherbakov, T. P. Timasheva, А. А. Tonshin, L. S. Yaguzinskiy, V. M. Dorogotovtsev, A. A. Akunets
Cryogenic fuel targets for inertial fusion: Optimization of fabrication and delivery conditions Journal of Russian Laser Research, т. 28, N3, стр. 207-235, (2007)
The paper addresses the major problems associated with the fabrication of cryogenic fuel targets and their delivery to the irradiation zone of an inertial confinement fusion (ICF) facility. Optimal solutions of these problems have been developed at the Lebedev Physical Institute (LPI), Russian Academy of Sciences for the case of free-standing direct-irradiation cryogenic targets. In contrast with the traditional technology, the approach proposed and demonstrated at LPI is shown to conform to all requirements of the current ICF program: (a) quality of fuel layering, (b) stability of layering, and (c) minimization of tritium inventory. This technology is the basis for a designed device of introducing cryogenic targets into the chamber of an ISKRA-6 high-power laser facility being developed in Russia.
- E. R. Koresheva, I. E. Osipov, I. V. Aleksandrova, A. I. Nikitenko, S. M. Tolokonnikov, V. I. Listratov, I. D. Timofeev, A. I. Kupriyashin, V. N. Leonov, E. L. Koshelev, G. D. Baranov, G. S. Usachev, T. P. Timasheva, A. I. Gromov
Creation of a diagnostic complex for the characterization of cryogenic laser-fusion targets by the method of tomography with probing irradiation in the visible spectrum Journal of Russian Laser Research, vol. 28, N2, pp. 163-206, (2007)
The paper presents the results obtained by the authors in developing a diagnostic complex for high-precision characterization of the parameters of laser fusion microobjects, such as microspheres and cryogenic targets (the size of a microobject, 1--2 mm). Operation of the complex is based on the principle of tomography. The complex includes (a) the scanning system providing a set of shadow projections of a microobject in the visible range of radiation and (b) specially developed software for 3D reconstruction of the microobject from the set of projections. The spatial resolution of the optical system is 1 µm for the probing radiation wavelength of 490 nm. The distinctive features of the diagnostic complex are (1) work with both free-standing and mounted targets; (2) possibility of scanning the targets within the range of room and cryogenic temperatures. Operation of the complex was demonstrated in reconstruction of microspheres from polystyrene by a large set (80--90) of shadow projections at room and cryogenic temperatures.
- E.R.Koresheva, A.I.Nikitenko, I.V.Aleksandrova, S.V.Bazdenkov, A.A.Belolipetskiy, V.I.Chtcherbakov, I.E.Osipov
Possible approaches to fast quality control of IFE targets Nuclear Fusion, vol. 46, pp. 890-903, (2006)
In recent years, research into the development of reliable methods and techniques for characterization and quality control of ICF/IFE targets has been carried out very actively. This is motivated by the need to provide means for the precise and accurate knowledge of cryogenic target parameters. On the other hand, particular emphasis should be paid to the fact that fueling of a commercial power plant requires ~ 6 targets each second. This indicates that the development of fast quality-control techniques is of critical importance as well. Therefore, in this report we discuss the issues underlying the construction of different algorithms for characterization and quality control of ICF/IFE targets. Among them are: a) algorithm bank and their structure, b) algorithm testing, c) target reconstruction experiments. The algorithm bank incorporates the algorithms for two stages of target production: stage of fuel layering technique development (motionless target) and stage of cryogenic target delivery (injected target). In the first case an inverse algorithm for individual target characterization (3D target reconstruction) and two threshold algorithms for fast control of target quality are presented. They are based on tomographic information processing methods. Experimentally, the tomographic data acquisition is carried out by a hundred-projection microtomograph. The spatial resolution of the optical system of the microtomograph is 1 m for 490 nm wavelength, the accuracy of target angular positioning is 1.5-to-2.5 minutes. In the second case we describe the algorithm based on Fourier-transform holography for ultra fast target characterization during its injection. The performed computer experiments have demonstrated much promise of this approach in the following directions: recognition of the target imperfections in both low- and high- harmonics; quality control of both a single target and a target batch; simultaneous control of both an injected target quality and its velocity and trajectory.
- E.R.Koresheva, I.E.Osipov, I.V.Aleksandrova
FST technologies for IFE targets fabrication, characterization and delivery Laser and Particle Beams, vol. 23, pp. 563-571, (2005)
Inertial fusion energy (IFE) research indicates that the energy generation by means of cryogenic fuel target compression requires that targets must be injected to the target chamber center at a rate of about 6 Hz. This requirement can be fulfilled only if the targets are free-standing. The most interesting results concerning the activity of the Lebedev Physical Institute in the area of free-standing targets fabrication, characterization and delivery are presented in this report.
- I. Aleksandrova, S Bazdenkov, V Chtcherbakov, E Koresheva, E Koshelev, I Osipov, L Yaguzinskiy
An efficient method of fuel ice formation in moving free standing ICF / IFE targets Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 37, pp. 1163-1179, (2004)
Currently, research fields related to the elaboration of efficient
layering methods for ICF / IFE applications are rapidly expanding.
Significant progress has been made in the technology development
based on fast fuel layering inside moving free-standing targets which
refers to as FST layering method. The paper presents our new results
obtained in this area and describes technologically elegant solutions towards demonstrating a credible pathway for mass production of IFE cryogenic targets.
- E Koresheva, I Osipov, T Timasheva, L Yaguzinskiy
А new approach to form transparent solid layer of hydrogen inside a microshell: application to inertial confinement fusion Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 35, pp. 825-830, (2002)
To form smooth solid layer of hydrogen isotope inside a microshell, a new approach is in progress where the basic principles of fabrication of fine dispersed compounds (solid solutions) with low doping are employed. This approach I shown to be applied experimentally using the H2/HD mixture with the HD concentrationis less than 1%. As a result, a transparent solid layer is formed inside 500 m glass shell. The layer keeps its transparency under cycling heating treatment from 5 K up to 16-20 K. The technique developed can be applied for fabrication of cryogenic targets used in the inertial confinement fusion (ICF).
- I.V.Aleksandrova, E.R.Koresheva, I.E.Osipov
Free-standing targets for applications to ICF Laser and Particle Beams, vol. 17, N4, pp. 713-727, (1999)
In conventional inertial confinement fusion (ICF), a high power laser system is used to compress a cryogenic target and create energy. One of the challenges for ICF cryogenics is producing the homogeneous and uniform fuel on the inside surface of a spherical polymer shell. In this report, we will discuss a conceptual approach based on freestanding targets and the results of our recent and current developments
- I.V.Aleksandrova, E.R.Koresheva, I.E.Osipov, V.I.Golov, V.I.Chtcherbakov
Microtomography data processing methods for cryogenic target characterization Laser and Particle Beams, vol. 17, N4, pp. 729-740, (1999)
Determining the cryogenic target parameters with high precision calls for the development of a new direction in the area of target characterization based on microtomography methods of data processing. In this report we present our first results in this area.
- I.V.Aleksandrova, E.R.Koresheva, I.E.Osipov, L.V.Panina
Cryotargets for modern ICF experiments Laser and Particle Beams, vol. 6, N2, pp. 539-547, (1996)
The physics of the formation of cryogenic fuel layers with various internal structures has been studied in regard to the development of promising layering techniques for modern inertial confinement fusion (ICF) experiments. The investigations have been made with inertial confinement fusion targets (ICF targets) and in a target modeling system (TMS) with the nonisochoric process of cryogenic layer formation. The results indicatethat the solid-layer structure in TMS differs essentially from that obtained in ICF targets. The thermal history of a fuel layer at separation into condenced and vapor phses is found to depend upon whether the initial gas density is more, less, or equal to the critical value for a given fuel material. The issue on the fuel-layer fabrication in the form of a long-living quasi-amorphous layer is considered. A new low-temperature method to homogenize a polycrystalline cryogenic layer has been proposed and examined. The operational temperature was 4.2 K. The time to achieve the complete homogeneity of solid hydrogen was 150 s. No limitation, with respect to the thickness of a cryogenic layer, was found. The critical target is suggested as a new type of an ICF target.
- E.R.Koresheva, Yu.A.Merkuliev, A.I.Nikitenko, I.E.Osipov, S.M.Tolokonnikov
The Peculiarities of Laser Cryogenic Targets Destruction and their Injection into a Powerful Laser Focus. Laser and Particle Beams, vol. 6, N2, pp. 245-253, (1988)
The formation conditions of a cryogenic target with a quality fusion cryolayer were found. The special device for the injection of the cryotarget into the ICF focus was devised.
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Расположение корпуса на территории института