
P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

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Melnik Nikolay Nikolaevich
PhD (Physics and Mathematics)
Moscow Leninskiy Prospekt, 53c1 327




Personal Data:
Citizenship: Russian
Born in 1948 (Tbilisi, Georgia, former USSR)
Personal status: Married, two children


Research of optical properties of low-dimensional systems. Influence of disorder on properties of such systems.


- Realization of experiments on Raman spectroscopy. Micro Raman, high pressures, low and high temperatures. Resonance Raman Scattering.
- Infrared spectroscopy.
- Designing of spectral devices.


- Disordered materials. Porous materials. Nanocrystals, clusters and quantum dots.
- Carbon materials, nanoparticles, diamond-like carbon films
- Optical properties of films, multilayer structures, superlattices.


1987 - to present P.N. Lebedev Physics Institute, Laboratory of Physics of Inhomogeneous Systems, Leading Researcher.
1973-1987 Institute of Spectroscopy RAS (Troitsk), Laboratory of solid state spectroscopy, Researcher.


1980 - Ph.D.
Thesis: "Investigation of the quasi-two-dimensional semiconductor structures by Raman spectroscopy"
1967-1973 Moscow Physical-Technical Institute, the Department of General and Applied Physics, Masters Degree in Physics
Thesis: " Multi-channel high resolution Spectrometer for Raman scattering "


In total list of publications contains ~200 references
1. V. V. Brazhkin, S. G. Lyapin, I. A. Trojan, R. N. Voloshin, A. G. Lyapin, and N. N. Melnik ' Anharmonicity of Short-Wavelength Acoustic Phonons in Silicon at High Temperatures', JETP Lett. (2000) Vol. 72, No. 4, p.195
2. N. N. Melnik, T. N. Zavaritskaya, M. V. Rzaev, et al., 'Investigation of semiconductor nanocrystals by the Raman scattering.' Proc. SPIE, (2000) 4069, 212.
3. N. N. Melnik , Yu.G. Sadofyev, T.N. Zavaritskaya, L.K Vodop'yanov, 'Multiphonon relaxation in ZnSe thin films and ZnSe/ZnCdSe MQW structures', Nanotechnology, (2000), v 11, 252
4. A.L. Karuzskii, N.N. Melnik, Yu.A. Mityagin, V.N. Murzin, V.S. Nozdrin, A.V. Perestoronin, N.A. Volchkov 'Pulsed-laser deposited protective 'diamond-like' carbon coatings on high- Tc superconductors', Physica C, (2001), 354, p. 379-383.
5. V. A. Karavanski, N. N. Melnik, and T. N. Zavaritskaya, 'Preparation and Study of the Optical Properties of Porous Graphite', JETP Lett. 74, 186, (2001).
6. Tchernogorova, O.A. Bannykh, V.M. Blinov, E.I. Drozdova, A.A. Dityat'ev, N.N. Melnik, 'Superhard carbon particles forming from fullerites in mixture with iron powder', Materials science and engineering, 2001, A299, p. 136-140.
7. N. V. Sidorov, M. N. Palatnikov, N. N. Mel'nik, and V. T. Kalinnikov, ' Two-Mode Nature of the Raman Spectrum of Lithium Niobate Crystals', Opt. Spectrosc. 92, 715 (2002)
8. K.V. Anikin, N.N. Melnik, A.V. Simakin, G.A. Shafeev, V.V. Voronov, A.G. Vitukhnovsky , Formation of ZnSe and CdS quantum dots via laser ablationin liquids, Chemical Physics Letters 366 (2002) 357-360


  1. М. Л. Скориков, Т. Н. Заварицкая, И. В. Кучеренко, Н. Н. Мельник, G. Karczewski
    Влияние ширины барьера ZnTe на спектры фотолюминесценции сверхрешеток CdTe/ZnTe со слоями квантовых точек ФТТ, т. 57, стр. 598, (2015)
  2. Н. Н. Новикова, В. А. Яковлев, И. В. Кучеренко, G. Karczewski, Ю. А. Алещенко, А. В. Муратов, Т. Н. Заварицкая, Н. Н. Мельник
    Оптические фононы в многослойных гетероструктурах PbTe/CdTe ФТП, т. 49, стр. 658, (2015)
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